Cherry lodge LANDFILL Action Group


The Cherry lodge Landfill Action Group (CLAG) was formed two years ago by Westerham Hill residents to protest against the development of the Cherry Lodge Golf Club. The protest focused on the construction of a haul road across Green Belt land to facilitate access to the club by seventy tipper lorries per day for approximately eighteen months. Despite the serious objections of local residents, businesses and local councillors, this development was allowed on appeal.

The Aperfield Green Belt Action Group (AGBAG) was formed in 2001 to fight against local housing development in Biggin Hill on Green Belt. Again, despite objections, new building has been allowed to go ahead.

These action groups have now merged with the intention of canvassing local support to fight threats to the Green Belt.

Encroachment into Green Belt is a matter of serious concern for all of us. The rights of residents to defend their local environment and the rights of democratically elected councils to represent their local tax-payers have been eroded. So, ultimately, the Green Belt could be decimated and intolerable pressure placed on local resources.

The new planning laws state that local communities should be involved in all stages of the planning process so we would to ask for your support in defending our Green Belt from unnecessary development.


If you support this fight to SAVE THE GREEN BELT:

·      Contact your local councillors and MP to support this cause.

·   Contact CLAG

·   Contact Sue at CLAG on 01959-573565.


Thank you for your support.

Enter website for pictures and plans